Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk (lspro), Laboratorium Pengujian

PT Vertex Global Indonesia merupakan perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang standarisasi industri, yaitu melakukan sertfifikasi produk dan pengujian produk. PT Vertex Global Indonesia terakreditasi oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) untuk produk-produk Keramik (ubin keramik, kloset duduk dan tableware), produk elektronika, mainan anak dan berbagai produk lainnya. PT Vertex Global Indonesia juga ditunjuk oleh kementerian Perindustrian dan Kementerian ESDM untuk melaksanakan Sertifikasi SNI untuk produk-produk: Ubin keramik, keramik tableware, produk kelistrikan alat rumah tangga, audio Video, Lampu Led, Led Luminer, mainan anak.

"The implementation of mandatory SNI for toilet seat products, ceramic tiles and ceramic tableware by the Government aims to improve the quality of industrial products and to protect consumers. PT Vertex Global Indonesia has been accredited by KAN and appointed by the Ministry of Industry for mandatory SNI certification of toilet seat products, ceramic tiles and ceramic tableware. We also have other scope to help with SNI certification of your products, namely Led Lights, Led Luminaires, Household Electrical Products, Audio Video Products, Toys, Baby Clothes and etc. PT Vertex Global Indonesia is here to be your one stop solution for an accurate , fast and easy certification. Please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. LSPro Jl. Bandengan Selatan 80 Pejagalan, Penjaringan - Jakarta Utara (021) 22664801 / +62 812 1000 6022 (WhatsApp) Laboratorium Pergudangan Bandara Benda Permai Blok G 10 Dadap - Tanggerang (021) 29215868 / +62 822 9997 3377 (WhatsApp)"
10 months ago